About 5 years ago my best friend Cawfee Tawk found the SISTER'S ON THE FLY article in Country Living about Vintage Camper Trailers that they decorate and use for fly fishing, camping and cowgirl camps, etc., and we decided that we both needed to find one and decorate it and use it when we took trips to the lake. So we did!! We searched and searched all over Big D and we would find an occasional trailer in someone's yard, pasture, field, junk pile.
We first found this one behind someone's old run down mobile home, and I so had to have it. We searched every where around the place to find someone to whom we could make an offer.
We finally had to talk to a neighbor to find out who supposedly LIVED there and he told us where the owner worked FOR NOW. Well, we did find Cecil and he took my offer. We were so excited. We went right back and hooked it up to my pickup with flat rotten tires and really not having any idea how to hook up this type of hitch. Any-who, we got it done because we weren't leaving our precious find there one more minute. It was now ours for the taking and YEE-HAW. We were going to get it all fixed and decorated. I lived in the country and we had to haul it the 10 miles to my farm house. On the way we had a blow out, but never fear KB would be coming soon and would save the day!!!
GinGin and KB got it all fixed up and not too much later GinGin and Cawfee Tawk had to find another one for Tawk. So we were on the hunt again!! Found another one in someone's tall, metal fenced back yard. We really didn't think they would want to sell since they had it stored away so nicely, but Tawk said let's try anyway. We went up to the house and knocked on the door and who should come to the door, but the most lovely woman that we both knew from the local elementary school, as a teacher's aide. She said OH, MY GOODNESS, you don't want that old thing, and we were well could we look at it. WE did and we were both like "well, it sure needs a lot of work". But, Tawk made an offer. She accepted and we hooked her up too.
Thus the story of the vintage campers of GinGin and TAWK. Tawk probably has some important and crazy information that I am leaving out, but she can add that if she wants too.
Anyway, since we became grandparents this year KB and GINGIN (ya know) we decided that we better get a little bigger camper, with a bathroom and shower, so we could go and baby sit Wes whenever they needed us or whenever we thought they needed us, or even if they really didn't need us and we just wanted to go and see HIM!!!! I'll tell the story of the old fifth wheel we bought on e-bay tomorrow.
Since, we bought another camper and can only use one at a time, I have listed this for sale on E-BAY today and I am so SAD. It is so cute, I just love it, but it is just sitting there and we don't get to use it. So if anybody reading this is interested, just let me know and I'll send you the info on buying this vintage camper.